Veltri Gives Back
Veltri Inc. believes that community involvement is one of the best ways to bring positive change in our world. It’s exciting to give back to the regions we serve and we are proud of programs that we support.
Bucks County

Technical High School
In an effort to further provide education for its students, Veltri, Inc. recently donated an I-Shift Transmission to Bucks County Technical High School (BCTHS) and its Diesel Technology department.
“It means a lot to be able to help our neighbors grow and realize their dreams and potential. Donating the tractor allows the students of BCTHS hands-on training in diesel mechanics and our co-op program gives them a real-life perspective of the trade they are working so hard to achieve,” said Michael Shaw, vice president at Veltri, Inc.
Diesel Technology students study basic mathematics, physics, and operating principles of the diesel cycle. In the classroom and laboratory, students learn engine disassembly and diagnosis using highly sophisticated test equipment. Expertise is developed in troubleshooting, repair, overhaul, and tune-up of engines, cooling, and electrical systems.
Bucks County
Mechanic Co-Op Program
At Veltri, not only is our community important to us but education is as well. That is why we are so excited to share the collaboration and creation of our Mechanic Co-Op program we have started. Partnering with the local tech school, Bucks County Technical High School, we are co-op’ing a senior to work in our shop doing actual mechanic work!
Our whole team has jumped on board with this program including our mechanic that worked with our 2018/2019 co-op student Billy Burns, our Fleet Manager Brian Nelson, our part-time mechanic at Veltri and Diesel Instructor at BCTHS Tim McCrane, and our Owner and President Tony Veltri.
Not only were we excited to donate a tractor for the school to use for education and training, but our co-op student Aliyah Navarro graduated in June 2019 and has joined our team as a full-time mechanic!

Hunterdon, Warren, and Bucks County

Girls On The Run
Connecting the dots between physical health and emotional health is an important lesson in our lives.
But not everyone gets the life lessons that teach them about those issues. That’s why organizations like Girls on the Run (GOTR) are so important to many girls here and across the country.
Veltri Inc. is a proud supporter of Girls on the Run of Hunterdon, Warren and Bucks Counties because it has such a positive impact on our community. As part of that support, Veltri sponsors the team at Eleanor Roosevelt Elementary School in Morrisville, Pennsylvania.
Girls on the Run of Hunterdon, Warren and Bucks Counties is part of a national organization that helps preteen girls across the country. Locally, GOTR serves more than 1000 girls a year in grades 3-8.
A key local partner, Veltri sponsors the GOTR 5K events in the spring and fall. The girls meet throughout the season to learn through games and directed discussions, ways that they can reach their potential. They learn to develop their own social and emotional skills in fun and engaging lessons. The program also includes lessons on becoming physically and mentally prepared for the 5K (3.1 mile) race.
Tony and Christine Veltri volunteer their time to work at the GOTR 5K races. In addition, Christine is a team coach and serves on the Board of Directors for the GOTR of Hunterdon, Warren and Bucks County.
“The 5 Ks serve as a way to bring the community together and to celebrate the girls’ achievements over the course of the season,” says Christine. “We want them to experience the confidence, friendship building, and strength that is the natural by-product of running!”
Veltri is proud of its status as a Girl Power sponsor for GOTR. Coaches, parents and community members all look forward to the non-competitive 5K. But they also know that what the girls achieve is far more than a medal; they also get the tools to set them on the path to a successful, fulfilling life.
The Children's Scholarship Fund
Tony Veltri, president of Veltri Inc., believes in the mission of the Children’s Scholarship Fund Philadelphia (CSFP). In fact, he has supported the CSFP since 2017.
The CSFP is privately funded organization that provides children from low-income Philadelphia families with financial access to quality, safe, K-8th grade, tuition-based schools. According to the CSFP website: “CSFP grants need-based scholarships to children from low-income Philadelphia families, all of which are awarded by random lottery. CSFP currently serves more than 5,300 children enrolled at over 170 private and parochial schools.”
“Veltri Inc. has provided scholarship support for more than 60 underserved K-8th grade Philadelphia students so they can attend tuition-based schools that best suit their academic needs, “ Veltri said. “We think that’s an amazing outcome!”
Some CSFP partner schools include Holy Trinity School in Morrisville, PA, and Abrams Hebrew Academy in Yardley, PA.
Veltri Inc. made their donation through the PA Educational Improvement Tax Credit program (EITC). The EITC provides businesses state tax credits in return for supporting a non-profit scholarship or educational improvement organization.
“It’s a really wonderful opportunity for Veltri to help provide children and their families with a choice in their education, “ Veltri said. “Its a chance in life that everyone should have.”